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ou've learned the basics and now you're ready to hone your skills by engaging in a specific form of improv: Armando! Join this 3-week intensive as we dive into this Chicago-born improv format in which a monologue inspires a succession of scenes. Throughout this series, you will sharpen your storytelling skills and learn how to differentiate scene initiation techniques. 


This intensive is designed for those who are familiar with the basics of improv and are ready to learn about a specific method of performance!



Class will be held indoors at the Sacred Stream Center at 2149 Byron Street Berkeley, CA. The building policy is shoes-off, so we recommend wearing socks.


4-Week Series: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25

Improv 101 | Tuesdays

  • Class Time: Class Time: Tuesdays in March, 6:00 - 7:30pm

    Class Dates: 4-Week Series: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25

    Level: Beginner

    Instructor: Tiffany

    Prerequisite: Ages 18+

    *In Person

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